All Property Types Agriculture Business Hospitality Industrial Institutional - Special Purpose Multi-family Office Other Parking Recreational Retail Single Family Vacant Land
All Business Types Accommodation Agriculture Automobile Construction Fishing and Hunting Food Services and Beverage Forestry Health Care and Social Assistance Hospitality Industrial Institutional Manufacturing Other Personal Services Recreation Residential Resort Restaurant Retail and Wholesale Service Special Purpose Transportation and Warehousing
All Transaction Types For Lease For Rent For Sale For Sale Or Rent
All Building Types Apartment Commercial Apartment Commercial Mix Duplex Flex Facility Fourplex House Mobile Home Modular Multi-Family Multi-Tenant Industrial No Building Offices Other Parking Recreational Residential Commercial Mix Retail Row / Townhouse Special Purpose Triplex Unknown Warehouse
All Construction Styles Attached Detached Link Semi-detached
All Cities 700 Acton Addington Highlands Adelaide Metcalfe Adjala-Tosorontio Admaston/bromley Ajax Alban Alberton Alcona Alfred & Plantagenet Alfred And Plantagenet Algoma Mills Algoma Remote Area Algonquin Algonquin Highlands Alliston Alma Alnwick Twp Alnwick/haldimand Alvinston Amaranth Amherstburg Amherstview Ancaster Angus Anten Mills Appin Arden Armour Armstrong Arnprior Arran-Elderslie Arthur Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Asphodel-Norwood Assiginack Athens Atikokan Atwood Augusta Aurora Aweres Township Aylmer Ayr Azilda Baden Bailieboro Baldwin Balmertown Bancroft Barbados Barrie Barrie Island Barwick Barwick/chapple Batchawana Batchawana Bay Bath Bayfield Bayham Baysville Beamsville Beardmore Beaverton Beckwith Belle River Belleville Bethany Bigwood Billings Binbrook Biscotasing Black River-Matheson Blandford Blandford-Blenheim Blenheim Blind River Bloomingdale Blue Mountains Bluewater Blyth Bobcaygeon Bolsover Bolton Bonfield Bonnechere Valley Booth's Harbour Borups Corners Bosanquet Boston Bothwell Bowmanville Bracebridge Bradford Bradford West Gwillimbury Brampton Brant Brantford Brechin Breslau Bright Brighton Brock Brockton Brockville Bronte Brooke-Alvinston Brownsville Bruce County Bruce Mines Brudenell Brussels Burford Burk's Falls Burlington Burpee And Mills Burwash Caistor Centre Caledon Caledonia Calgary Callander Calvin Cambridge Campbellford Campbellville Campden Canfield Capreol Caramat Carbonear Carden Carleton Place Carling Carlisle Carlow/mayo Carp Carrying Place Cartier Casselman Castleton Cavan Monaghan Cavan-Monaghan Cayuga Cedar Springs Central Elgin Central Frontenac Central Huron Central Manitoulin Centre Hastings Centre Wellington Chamberlain Champlain Chapleau Chapple Charing Cross Charlton And Dack Chatham Chatham Township Chatham-Kent Chatsworth Chelmsford Cherry Valley Chesley Chisholm Christian Island 30 City Of Kenora Clarence-Rockland Clarington Clarksburg Clear Creek Clearview Clifford Clone Cloyne Cobalt Coboconk Cobourg Cochenour Cochrane Cochrane Remote Area Coe Hill Colborne Colchester Colchester North Colchester South Coldwater Coldwell Twp Coleman Colgan Collingwood Comber Combermere Conestogo Conestogo Lake Cookstown Copper Cliff Corinth Cornwall Cottam Courtland Cramahe Cranbrook Crediton Creemore Crosshill Crystal Beach Cumberland Curve Lake First Nation 35 Dashwood Dawn-Euphemia Dawson Dealtown Deep River Delhi Denbigh Desbarats Deseronto Devlin Dinorwic District Of Algoma District Of Kenora District Of Thunder Bay Dorchester Dorion Dorland Subdivision Douro-Dummer Dowling Drayton Dresden Drumbo Drummond/north Elmsley Dryden Dublin Dubreuilville Dubrevilville Dufferin Dunchurch Dundalk Dundas Dunedin Dungannon Dunneville Dunnville Dunsford Durham Dutton Dutton/dunwich Dwight Dysart Et Al Eagle Lake Eagle River Ear Falls East Ferris East Garafraxa East Gwillimbury East Hawkesbury East Luther Grand Valley East Zorra-Tavistock Echo Bay Edwardsburgh/cardinal Eldorado Elgin Elizabethtown-Kitley Elk Lake Elliot Lake Elmira Elmvale Elora Embro Emeryville Emo Emsdale Englehart Enniskillen Ennismore Township Eramosa Erie Beach Erieau Erin Erinsville Espanola Essa Essa Township Essex Etobicoke Eugenia Evansville Evanturel Everett Exeter Falconbridge Faraday Fauquier-Strickland Fenelon Falls Fenwick Fergus Field First Nations Fisherville Flamborough Flesherton Fletcher Florence Florida Usa Fonthill Fort Erie Fort Frances France Freelton French River French River / Rivière Des Français Front Of Yonge Frontenac Islands Galway-Cavendish And Harvey Gananoque Garson Georgetown Georgian Bay Georgian Bluffs Georgina Georgina Islands Geraldton Gilmour Glanbrook Glen Williams Glencairn Goderich Golden Lake Gore Bay Gorham Gorrie Gosfield North Gosfield South Goulais River Gowanstown Grand Bend Grand Valley Grande Pointe Grassie Gravenhurst Greater Madawaska Greater Napanee Greater Sudbury Greenstone Greensville Grey Highlands Grimsby Guelph Guelph/eramosa Guthrie Hagar Hagarty & Richards Hagarty And Richards Hagerman Hagersville Haldimand Haldimand County Halton Halton Hills Hamilton Hamilton Township Hamilton Twp Hanmer Hannon Hanover Happy Hills Harley Harris Harriston Harrow Harwich Township Hastings Highlands Havelock Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Twp Havilland Havilland Bay Hawkesbury Hawkestone Head Hearst Heidelberg Hepworth Hiawatha First Nation Highgate Highlands East Hillsburg Hillsdale Hillsport Hilton Hilton Beach Holland Landing Holmesville Holstein Hopeville Hornepayne Horseshoe Valley Horton Howick Hudson Huntsville Hurkett Huron Huron East Huron Shores Huron-Kinloss Ice Lake Ignace Ilderton Ingersoll Innerkip Innisfil Inverhuron Iron Bridge Iroquois Falls Island Lake Jacques James Jarvis Jellicoe Jocelyn Township Johnson Johnson Township Joly Jordan Station Kagawong Kakabeka Falls Kaministiqua Kaministiquia Kapuskasing Kawartha Lakes Kearney Keewatin Kenora Kent Bridge Keswick Killaloe Kilworthy Kimberley Kincardine King Kingston Kingsville Kintore Kirkfield Kirkland Lake Kissimee Florida Kitchener Kleinburg L'orignal La Salette Laird Laird Township Lake Of Bays Lake Of The Woods Lakefield Lakeshore Lambton Shores Lanark Lanark Highlands Langton Larder Lake Lasalle Latchford Laurentian Hills Laurentian Valley Lavigne Leamington Leeds & The Thousand Islands Leeds And The Thousand Islands Lefroy Lighthouse Cove Limehouse Limerick Lincoln Lindsay Lindsay Twp Linwood Lion's Head Lisle Listowel Little Current Lively London Long Point Longlac Lowbanks Loyalist Loyalist Township Lucan Lucan Biddulph Lynden Lyndoch And Raglan Lynedoch M'chigeeng Macdonald Meredith & Aberdeen Township Machar Machin Mactier Madawaska Madawaska Valley Madoc Madsen Magnetawan Maidstone Malahide Malton Maniotuwage Manitoulin Manitoulin Island Manitouwadge Manitowaning Mannheim Maple Leaf Mapleton Marathon Markdale Markham Markstay Markstay-Warren Marmora And Lake Massey Matachewan Mattawa Mattawan Mattice-Val Cote Mcdougall Mcgarry Mcgregor Mckay's Corners Mckellar Mckenzie Island Mckerrow Mcmurrich/monteith Mcnab/braeside Meaford Melancthon Meldrum Bay Melgund Merlin Merrickville-Wolford Mersea Mexico Middlesex Centre Midhurst Midland Millbank Millbrook Village Millgrove Milton Milverton Minaki Mindemoya Minden Minden Hills Mine Center Mine Centre Minesing Minett Minto Miscampbell Mississauga Mississippi Mills Mitchell Mitchell's Bay Moffat Molesworth Monetville Mono Montague Moonbeam Moonstone Moorefield Moosonee Morpeth Morris-Turnberry Morson Mount Brydges Mount Forest Mount Hope Mount Pleasant Muirkirk Mulmur Municipality Machin Murillo Muskoka Lakes Mutrie Nairn Centre Nakina Nanticoke Napanee Nathia Gali Neebing Neebing Township Nemi Nestor Falls Neustadt New Dundee New Glasgow New Hamburg New Liskeard New Lowell New Tecumseth Newbury Newfoundland Newmarket Newton Niagara Falls Niagara-On-The-Lake Nipigon Nipissing Nipissing 10 Nobleton Noelville Norfolk Norfolk County Normandale North Algona Wilberforce North Bay North Carolina North Dumfries North Dundas North Frontenac North Glengarry North Grenville North Huron North Kawartha North Middlesex North Perth North Ridge North Stormont North York Northern Bruce Peninsula Northern Peninsula Norval Norwich Norwood Not Available Nottawa Oakland Oakville Oakwood Obonga Lake Oldcastle Oliphant Oliver Paipoonge Omemee Onaping Oneida Onondaga Opasatika Orangeville Orford Township Orillia Orleans Oro Station Oro-Medonte Oshawa Otonabee-South Monaghan Ottawa Otterville Owen Sound Oxdrift Oxford Oxford County Pain Court Palmerston Panama Papineau-Cameron Paris Parkhill Parry Sound Parry Sound Remote Area Patton Twp Peacock Point Peel Pefferlaw Pelee Island Pelham Pellatt Pembroke Penetanguishene Perrault Falls Perry Perth Perth East Perth South Petawawa Peterborough Petersburg Petrolia Phelpston Phoenix Pickering Pickle Lake Picton Pine Grove Plattsville Plympton-Wyoming Point Edward Poland Port Burwell Port Carling Port Colborne Port Dover Port Elgin Port Hope Port Lambton Port Maitland Port Mcnicoll Port Rowan Port Ryerse Port Severn Port Stanley Port Sydney Powassan Preeceville Sk Prescott Priceville Prince Prince Edward Prince Edward County Prince Township Princeton Proton Station Providence Bay Puslinch Quinte West Quito Rainy Lake Rainy River Ramara Ramara Township Red Lake Red Rock Redbridge Redditt Renfrew Restoule Richards Landing Richmond Hill Rideau Lakes Ridgetown Ridgeville Ridgeway Ripley Roatan Roblin Rockton Rockwood Rodney Roma/italy Rondeau Bay Estates Rondeau Park Roseville Roslin Rosslyn Rossport Russell Rutherglen Ruthven Ryerson S Of Keewatin Sables-Spanish Rivers Sandfield Santa Marianita Sarnia Sasult Ste. Marie Sauble Beach Saugeen Shores Sault Ste Marie Sault Ste. Marie Saut Ste. Marie Scarborough Schreiber Scone Scotland Scugog Searchmont Sebright Sebringville Seeleys Bay Seguin Selkirk Serpent River Severn Severn Bridge Shakespeare Shanty Bay Sharbot Lake Shebandowan Sheguiandah Shelburne Sherkston Shrewsbury Shuniah Shuniah On Silver Water Simcoe Sioux Lookout Sioux Narrows Sioux Narrows On Sioux Narrows/nestor Falls Skead Smith-Ennismore Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield Smiths Falls Smithville Smooth Rock Falls Snow Valley Sombra South Algonquin South Bruce South Bruce Peninsula South Dundas South Frontenac South Glengarry South Huron South River South Stormont South-West Oxford Southampton Southgate Southwest Middlesex Southwold Spanish Spragge Spring Bay Springfield Springwater St Clair St Joseph Island St. Agatha St. Anns St. Catharines St. Charles St. Clair St. Clements St. George St. Jacobs St. Joachim St. Joseph Island St. Kitts St. Marys St. Thomas St. Williams St.joseph Island Stanhope Stayner Ste. Joseph Island Stevensville Stirling-Rawdon Stone Mills Stoney Creek Stoney Point Straffordville Stratford Strathroy Strathroy-Caradoc Stratton Strong Sturgeon Falls Sudbury Sudbury Remote Area Sundridge Sunny Isle Swastika Tamworth Tavistock Tay Tay Valley Tecumseh Teeswater Teeterville Temagami Temiskaming Shores Terrace Bay Thames Centre Thamesford Thamesville The Archipelago The Blue Mountains The Nation Thedford Thessalon Thornbury Thorndale Thornton Thorold Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Unorganized Tilbury Tilbury North Tilbury West Tillsonburg Timiskaming Timiskaming Remote Area Timmins Tiny Tobermory Toronto Torrance Tory Hill Tottenham Town Of Blue Mountains Townsend Township Of Jollineau Township Of Michano Township Of Prince Township Of Sioux Narrows/nestor Falls Trent Hills Trenton Tudor & Cashel Tupperville Turkey Point Tweed Twp Of St Joseph Tyendinaga Unorganized Unorganized District (Port Loring) Unorganized District (Restoule) Unorganized Kenora Upsala Utopia Utterson Uxbridge Val Caron Val Rita-Harty Valley East Vanastra Vanessa Varney Vaughan Vermilion Bay Vermillion Bay Verner Verona Victoria Harbour Vienna Vineland Vineland Station Virgil Virginiatown Vittoria Wabigoon Wahnapitae Wainfleet Walden Waldof Walford Walkerton Wallaceburg Wallacetown Wardsville Warminster Warren Warsaw -Poland Warwick Warwick-Watford Wasaga Beach Washago Waterdown Waterford Waterloo Watford Waubaushene Wawa Webbwood Welland Wellandport Wellesley Wellington North West Elgin West Grey West Lincoln West Lorne West Montrose West Nipissing West Nipissing / Nipissing Ouest West Perth Westport Westree Wheatley Whitby Whitchurch-Stouffville White River Whitefish Whitefish Falls Whitestone Whitewater Region Wilkesport Wilmot Wilmot Township Wilsonville Windermere Windham Centre Windsor Wingham Winona Wollaston Woodbridge Woodslee Woodstock Woolwich Wyebridge York Z00.21 Z99.27 Zorra
All Neighbourhoods ---- 4003 616 Aberdeen Adams Estates Agincourt Agincourt Centre Agincourt South-Malvern West Airport Road Alexandria Alfred Alfred And Plantagenet Twp Almonte Alta Vista Alta Vista Faircrest Heights Amberwood Village Amherstview Ampersand Angus Campbell Antonia Heights Apple Hill Ardagh Bluffs Arnprior Arnprior--Cobden Arrowhead Estates Ashdad Ashton Ashton Station Ashton Village Ashton/prospect Aspen Grove Estates Athens Augusta Augusta Twp Auld Mcmillan Road Aurora Country Aurora Heights Avalon Avalon West Avonmore Babcock Mills Badgerow Bainsville Bainsville/curry Hill Balderson Balmoral Park Bank Street South Barrhaven Barrhaven - Cedargrove/fraserd Barrhaven - Heritage Park Barrhaven East Barrhaven Heritage Park Barrhaven Stonebridge Barrhaven West Barrhaven/havenlea Barrheaven Barriefield Barrington Barry's Bay Barry's Bay, Combermere, Kaman Bass Lake Basswood Bathurst Manor Bay Lake Bayridge Bayside Baysville Bayview Village Bayview Woods-Steeles Beachburg Beachwood/vanier North Beacon Hall Beacon Hill North Beacon Hill South Beacon Hill-Cyrville Beaconwood Beasley Beaupre Road Beaverton Beechwood Beechwood / Vanier North Belfort Area Belfort Estates Belgravia Bell Corners Bellamy Farm Bells Corners Bells Corners/nepean Bellwood Bendale Bennett Lake Benson Lake Between Cobden And Pembroke Binbrook Birchcliff Bishop Mills / Merrickville Black Creek Blackburn Hamlet Blackfish Bay/kamaniskeg Lake Blackstone South Blake-Jones Blakeney/almonte Bloor Street Culture Corridor Bloor West Village Bloordale Gardens Blossom Park Blossom Park, Kemp Park Bob's Lake Bobcaygeon Bolingbroke Bonnechure River Borden Farm Bourget Boyds Boyne Bradley Commons Bradley Estates/anderson Park Brae-Loch Braeside Brian Village Briar Hill Bridle Path Brinston Britannia Britannia Heights Brittania Heights Brittany Park Broadview North Brock Road Brockton Village Brockville Brockville Central Brockville North East Brockville Waterfront Condo Brockwoods Brookdale Brookdale Ave Brookline Broome Industrial Park Browns Corners Brudenell Brumsfield Buchanan Burkes Beach Burnstown Burrits Rapids Burritts Rapids / Rideau River Business Park Butternut Bay Byward Market Byward Market/lowertown Calabogie Calabogie Race Track Lanark Rd Caledonia Callahan Estates Calvin Park Cameron Lake Cameron Woods Campbellbrook Village Canadian Tire Canotek Industrial Park Cardinal Creek Village Cardinal Heights Carleton Heights Carleton Landing Carleton Place Carleton Place - Perth Carleton Place-Smiths Falls Carleton Square Carleton Village Carlington Carlingwood Carlsbad Springs Carp Carp Airport Carp Road Corridor Carson Lake Carson Meadows Casselman Castle Heights Castleford Cathedraltown Cedar Grove Cedar Hill Cedar Hill Side Rd. Cedar Hills Subdivision Cedargrove, Fraserdale Cedarhill/orchard Estate Center Town Centertown Central Central Erin Mills Central Park Centre Town Centrepointe Centretown Cfb & Area Cfb Area Chaloa Acres Champlain Chapel Hill Chapel Hill South Chaplin Estates Chapman Mills Charleston Lake Chateauneuf Chatelain Village Chatelaine Village Cheney Cherry Chesterville Chinatown Chippawa Chippawa Shores Church-Wellesley Village Churchill Meadows Chute A Blondeau City Centre City East Central City Limits City Northwest Civic Hospital Civic Hospital\ Little Italy Clairlea Clarence Creek Clarence Rockland Clarence-Rockland Clarence-Rockland Twp Clarks Corners Clover Hill Cloverdale Cloyne Cobden Cobourg Coleman Central Collins Bay Combermere Combermere- Kam Concord Concord Park Place Constance Bay Convent Glen Convent Glen South Copeland Park Corkery Corkery/carp Cormac Cornwall Cornwall Community Hospital Cornwall Downtown Cornwall Outskirts Corso Italia Cotton Mill District Country Club Village Country Lane Estates Country Place Countryside Acres County Of Hastings Creekside Estates Creme Crestview/meadowlands Crossing Bridge Crossroads Crown Point Crysler Cumberland Cumberland Central Cumberland Estates Cumberland Ridge Cumberland Village Cumberland West Curran Curry Hill Cyrville Cyrville Industrial Park Dain City Dalhousie Dalhousie Lake Danforth East Danforth Village - East York Davenport Davisville Deep River Deer Park Devil Lake Discovery Bay Discovery District Domain Du Golf Domaine Chartrand Domaine Du Golf Dominion Domville Don Valley West Douglas Dow's Lake/little Italy Downsview Downtown Downtown Almonte Downtown Arnprior Downtown Brockville Downtown Carleton Place Downtown Hawkesbury Downtown Heritage Perth Downtown Neighbourhood Downtown Pembroke Downtown Yonge Dows Lake Dr Said Mounib Drummond/north Elmsley Dublin Heights Duffins Bay Dunbar Dundas Dundela Dunrobin Dunrobin Shores Dunvegan Dupuis Lake Eagle Creek Golf Course East Bayfront Precinct East Business Park East End East End Near Waterfront East End-Danforth East End, Historic Area East Hawkesbury East Industrial East Ridge East York Eastdale Eastway Gardens Eatonville Edenbridge-Humber Valley Edgeley Edwards-Victoria Rockland Edwardsburgh Eganville Eglinton—lawrence Elder Mills Elgin Elizabethtown Ellwood Elmstead Elmvale Embrun Embrun Station Emerald Creek Estates Emerald Woods Emeraldmeadows Emery Entertainment District Eq Pathways Equinelle Erin Mills Eringate-Centennial-West Deane Etobicoke Fairbank Faircrest Heights Fairport Beach Fallingbrook Fallingbrook; Gardenway Fallingbrook/pineridge Fallowfield Faubourg Ste-Marie Hamlet Fernleigh Fifeshire Financial District Finch Findlay Creek Findlay Creek / Pathways South Finlday Creek First Ave First Avenue Fisher Glen Fisherville Fiske's Corner Fitzroy Fitzroy Harbour Fitzroy Harbour Area Flanders Heights Forest Hill North Fort York Fox Run Foymount Foymount Road Freelton Frontenac Fruitland Garners Corners General Mixed Use Geraldton Gillies Corners Glabar Park/ Mckellar Heights Glasgow Glebe Glebe Annex Glen Agar Glen Cairn Glen Park Glen Robertson Glen Robertson Road Glen Stewart Glencairn Glencraig Villiage Glendale Subdivision Glenway Glenwood Heights Gloucester Glen Golden Lake Golden Lake/ Deacon Golden Mile Gore Bay Gorham Goshen/lochwinnoch Goulburn Granite Ridge Graydon Hall Greater Madawaska Greektown Greely Greely Creek Estates Green Valley Greenfield Greenwood Park Greenwood Park West Grenfell Sector Greystone Village Griffith/madawaska River Grimsby-On-The-Lake Guildwood Estates Half Moon Bay Hallville Hammond Hammond Court Hammond Hill Hanesville Harbord Village Harrow Hastings/tweed/hungerford Twp Hawkesbury Hawthorne Meadows Hazeldean Hazeldean/castle Frank Hearts Desire - Barrhaven Henderson Place Herbert Corners Heritage Court Heron Gate Hiawatha Park High Park-Swansea Highland Creek Highland Park Highland Park Survey Highway 17, Albert & Peter St. Highway 41 Hillendale Hintonburg Hintonburg/wellington West Historic Brockville Holton Heights Holy Cross Horizon Hornby Horton Horton Township Humberlea Hunt Club - The Landmark Hunt Club Park Hunt Club Park/greenboro Hunt Club Woods Huntley Chase Huntley Chase Estates Huron Huron Heights Hwy 17 Industrial Industrial Park Industrial/commercial Park Ingleside Iroquois Island Park Islington Islington Village Islington-City Centre West Jack Pine Park James House Jamieson Mills Condominium Jane And Finch Jasper Johnstown Just North Of Brockville Kamaniskeg Lake - Hinterland Kanata Kanata (North West) Kanata Lakes Kanata Lakes; Heritage Hills Kanata North Kanata North , March Crest Kanata North/ March Crest Kanata South Business Park Kanata South Business Pk Kelly Kemptville Kennebec Lake Kennedy Park Kenyon Concession 1 Kerr Line Kerscott Heights Kettle Creek Killaloe Kinburn Kings Landing Kingscourt Kingsway South Kinsmen Kipling Heights Kirkland Lake Kitley L'orignal L’orignal Lake Clear Lake Dore Lake St Peter Lakeshore Lakeview/crystal Beach Lanak Highlands Lanark Lanark Highlands Lanark Village Lancaster Lancaster Heights Langstaff Lansdowne Lansdowne Meadow Lapasse Laurentian Highlands Laurentian Hills Laurentian Valley Lavant Lawrence Park South Leaside Leaside Business Park Lebreton Flats Lefaivre Lefaivre Rural Leitrim Lemke Road Leslie Valley Lighthouse Cove Lily Bay North Limoges Limoges Village Lindenlea Little Italy Little Jamaica Little Tokyo Liverpool Loch Garry Loch March Estates Lochwinnoch Rd Area Lombardy Long Sault Longfields Longfields Davidson Heights Lower Doon Lower Riverdale Lower Town Lower Town / Byward Market Lower Town/byward Market Lowertown Lowney Lake Lunenburg Lunnenburg Lyn Lynden Lyndhurst Lynwood Village Lytton Park Maberly Macdonald Gardens Mackey Maclaren's Landing Maclean Park Madawaska Valley Madoc Mahogany Mahogany Community Manhard Manitowaning Manor Park Manotick Manotick Estates Manotick Ridge Estates Manotick South Manotick South Island Maple Avenue Maple Creek Estates Maple Creek/scharfgate Estates Maple Grove Maple Leaf Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Estates Maplestone Lakes Maplewood Plaza Mariatown Marina Bay Markland Woods Marshall's Bay Meadows Martintown Marysville Matawatchan Road Mattamy Connection Maxville Mayhew Maywood Mckellar Heights Mckenzie Marsh Mclean Blvd. Mcnab Mcnab / Braeside Mcnab/braeside Mcrae Park Meadowvale Meadowvale Village Mechanicsville Mechanicsville/tunneys Pasture Medway Heights Memorial Village Mer-Bleu / Bradley Estates Merivale Industrial Park Merrickville Merrickville Estates Merrickville/wolford Metcalf Metcalfe Metcalfe Area Micksburg Midtown Miller Island Millfall Condominium Mimico Mimico By-The-Lake Mindemoya Minnow Lake Mississipi Mills Business Park Mississippi District Mississippi Mills Mississippi Shores Mitchell Heights Mitchell Woods Estates Moffat St Monkland Mont Roc Montague Montague Twp Montreal Road Moodie Estates Mooney's Bay Moore Park Moose Creek Morgans Grant Morgans Grant/south March Morningside Morris Village Morrisburg Moss Park Moulinette Island Mount Hope Mount Pleasant East Mount Pleasant West Mountain Mullen Road Muskrat Lake Muskrat River N/a Naismith School National Capital Business Park Navan-Vars Near Colton Lake Nelson Park Nepean New Edinburgh / Lindenlea New Edinburgh/lindenlea New Sudbury New Toronto Newboro Newigton Newington Newmarket Heights Newtonbrook Nolans Corners North Augusta North Dundas North Dundas Twsp. North End North Fairbank North Frontenac North Glengarry (Kenyon) North Gower North Grenville North Grenville Township North Lancaster North Of 401 North Stormont North Ward North Woodstock North York North York City Centre North-Elmsley Northeast Northlea Notting Hill Notting Hill/summerside Off Iroquois/near The Hospital Old Carp Old Ottawa East Old Ottawa East/by The Rideau Old Ottawa South Olde East York Village Oliver Ompah Opeongo Road Orleans Orléans East-Cumberland Orléans Village - Châteauneuf Orléans West-Innes Ormond Osgoode Osgoode Twp South Of Reg Rd 6 Ottawa Ottawa Business Park Ottawa Center Ottawa Centre Ottawa Centre/golden Triangle Ottawa East Ottawa West Outskirts Of Pakenham Overbrook Overbrook / Vanier Overbrook/castle Heights Oxford Mills Oxford Station Pakenham Pape Village Parc Des Dunes Parkdale—high Park Parkview Hills Parkway Estates Parkway Park Patterson Paugh Lake Road Pembroke Pembroke Mall Pembroke St W Perrys Lane Perth Perth Mews Mall Perthshire Petawawa Petawawa Blvd Petawawa Boulevard Petrie's Landing Pheasant Run Pineview Place St Laurent Plantagenet Playfair Park Pleasant View Poland Polson Park Pond Mills Port Elmsley Portland Portsmouth Post Street And Highway 60 Potter's Key Precision Prescott Princess Margaret Project Cassel Home Lands Prospect Pucker Near Inglis Purdy Quadeville Qualicum Quarry Glen Quarry Ridge Queen West Queensway Terrace Queensway Terrace North Queensway Terrace South Queensway Terrance North Queenswood Heights Queenswood Heights South Quinn's Pointe Redwood Estates Regency Acres Reis Business Park Reis Industrial Park Renfrew Res Residential Richardson Richardson Ridge Richmond Richmond St W Richmond Village Richmond/heron Lake Estates Ii Rideau Crossing Rideau Forest Rideau Heights Business Park Rideau Heights Industrial Park Rideau Heights/industrial Park Rideau Hts Industrial Park Rideau Hts. Industrial Park Rideau Lakes Rideau Township Rideau-Jock Rideaulakes Ridgemont Ridgmont River Lane Estates River Road Riverdale Riverside District Riverside Heights Riverside Park Riverside Park/mooney's Bay Riverside Park/mooneys Bay Riverside South Riverside South-Findlay Creek Riverview Heights Riverview Park Riviera Condos Rockcliffe Park Rockcliffe Survey Rockland Rockland Rural Rockland Waterfront Roebuck Rolphton Rosewood Acres Round Lake Round Lake And Bonnechere Round Lake Center Round Lake Centre Roxborough Rural Area Rural Kanata Rural Stittsville Russel Russell Russell Trails Russett Dr. Rustic Rutherford Ave Ryan's Park Saint George's Neighbourhood Saint Pascal-Baylon Sand Point Sandhill Sandy Hill Sarsfield Sarsfield/bearbrook Sawmill Creek Scarborough Scarborough Village Second East Seguinbourg Settlers Square Seven Lakes Sharbot Lake Sharon Village Shea Village Sheridan Sheridan Park Sherwood Park Sherwood Springs Silvain Gutknecht Silver Creek Estates Silver Hills Six Points Smith Falls Smith Falls / Montegue Smiths Falls Smiths Falls /montague Snake River Snowdon's Corners Snowdons Corners South Core South Dundas South Elmsley South Glengarry South Gower South Hill South Keys South Keys Industrial South La South Lancaster South March South Mountain South Of Fallowfield Road South Parkdale South Point South Riverdale South Rosedale South Stormont South Woodstock Southfields Village Southwest Park Southwood Spadina—fort York Spring Bay Springtown Springvale St Albert St Andrews St Claire Gardens/meadowlands St James Church St Josephs High School St Lawrence River Hwy2 St Lawrence Waterfront St Pascal Babylon St Raphaels St-Eugene St-Isidore St. Andrew St. Andrews West St. Claire Gardens St. James Town St. Lawrence St. Lawrence River St.andrew's Stafford Stanleyville Ste-Anne De Prescott Stewart Farm Stirling Meadows Stirling Park/borden Farm Stittsville Stittville Business Park Stone's Corners Stonebridge Stonecliffe Stonewalk Estates Storyland Road & River Road Strathcona Park Streetsville Succession Court Sumac Ridge Summerhill Summerhill South Sunnyside Sunridge Sunrise Ridge Estates Sunset Flat Swansea Sydenham Tam O'shanter-Sullivan Tanglewood Tannery Creek Tay Valley Tehkummah Temperance Lake Terra Nova Estates Terrace Hill The Atriums Of Hunt Club The Delta The Glebe The Junction The Lakeshore Grounds The Pocket The Queensway The Ridge The Riviera I / Riverview Park The Rockeries Thompson Hill Thornbury Thorncliffe Park Thornhill Thousand Islands , Rockport Thunder Bay Tim Hortons Toledo Tollgate Toronto—st. Paul's Town Of Rockland Trafalgar Trailwest Traxton Way & Quebec Turnoff Trenton Tv Tower Road Two Rivers Neighbourhood University District Upper Beaches Upper Huntley Upper Jarvis Upper Rideau Lake Upper Thornhill Estates Uptown Valleyview Vandorf Vanier Vanier North Vanier South Vankleek Hill Vars Vars - Boundary Rd. Vars And Area Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Vermilion Bay Vermont Meadows Victoria Village Village Of Carp Village Of Casselman Village Of Embrun Village Of Lancaster Village Of Long Sault Viscount Alexander Park Vista Heights Waba Ward's Island Water Street East Water View Watercolour Subdivision Waterdown Waterford Waterford On The Rideau Waterfront Wateridge Wateridge Village Wees Beach Wellington Village Wellington West Village Wendover West Carleton-March West Center Town West Centre Town West Centre Town (Chinatown) West Centre Town/little Italy West End West Nipissing West Queen West Westboro Westboro / Woodroffe Westboro Village Westboro-Hampton Park Westboro/hampton Park Westmeath Westney Heights Weston Weston-Pellam Park Westport Westrport Westwood Westwood - Stittsville Westwood Estates Westwood Farms Whelan Rd And English Rd White Cedars White Lake Whitelake/ Cameron Subdivision Wilcox Lake Williamsburg Williamstown Willowdale West Willy Allan Wilson Creek Wilsonwood Wiltom Drive-Trout Lake Winchester Winchester Park Windfields Windsor Heights Windsor Park Village Winona Witt Rd Woodhaven Woodland Hill Woodlands Park Area Woodlawn Woodroffe Woodroffe Western Parkway Yarker Yonge & Eglinton York Heights York Mills York University Heights Yorkdale-Glen Park Yorkville
All Sub Divisions 0010 - Lisgar 0020 - Churchill Meadows 0040 - Meadowvale 0060 - Streetsville 0070 - Central Erin Mills 0080 - Erin Mills 0120 - Clarkson 0130 - Lorne Park 0160 - Creditview 0170 - Mavis-Erindale 0180 - Erindale 0190 - Gateway 02 - Front of Leeds & Seeleys Bay 0200 - Hurontario 0210 - City Centre 0220 - Fairview 0230 - Mississauga Valley 0240 - Cooksville 0250 - Mineola 0260 - Port Credit 0300 - Rathwood 0310 - Applewood 0320 - Dixie 040 - Greensville 043 - Flamborough West 044 - Flamborough East 045 - Beverly 05 - Gananoque 052 - Stoney Creek Escarpment 056 - West Lincoln 057 - Smithville 058 - Bismark/Wellandport 061 - Dunnville Municipal 064 - Seneca 065 - Rainham 071 - Oneida 1 - Downtown 1 North 10 - Victoria 10 - Victoria North 100 - North End West 1000 - BC Bronte Creek 1001 - BR Bronte 1002 - CO Central 1003 - CP College Park 1005 - FA Falgarwood 1006 - FD Ford 1007 - GA Glen Abbey 1008 - GO Glenorchy 1009 - JC Joshua Creek 101 - Strathcona Central North 101 - Town 1010 - JM Joshua Meadows 1011 - MO Morrison 1013 - OO Old Oakville 1014 - QE Queen Elizabeth 1015 - RO River Oaks 1017 - SW Southwest 1019 - WM Westmount 102 - Lakeshore 102 - Strathcona 1020 - WO West 1021 - WP Winston Park 1022 - WT West Oak Trails 1023 - BE Beaty 1026 - CB Cobban 1027 - CL Clarke 1029 - DE Dempsey 103 - River 103 - Strathcona South 1030 - DG Derry Green 1031 - DP Dorset Park 1032 - FO Ford 1033 - HA Harrison 1035 - OM Old Milton 1036 - SC Scott 1037 - TM Timberlea 1038 - WI Willmott 1039 - MI Rural Milton 104 - Central South 104 - Rural 1040 - OA Rural Oakville 1041 - NA Rural Nassagaweya 1045 - AC Acton 1046 - GE Georgetown 1047 - Glen Williams 1048 - Limehouse 1049 - Rural Halton Hills 105 - St. Davids 1051 - Walker 106 - Queenston 1060 - Rural Milton West 1061 - Campbellville 1063 - Moffat 107 - Glendale 108 - Virgil 11 - Grange Road 11 - St Gregory's/Tait 110 - Ainslie Wood North 111 - Westdale South/Cootes Paradise 112 - Westdale North 113 - Ainslie Wood 114 - Ainslie Wood East 114 - Uptown Waterloo/North Ward 116 - Glenridge/Lincoln Heights 118 - Colonial Acres/East Bridge 12 - St Andrews/Southwood 12 - York/Watson Industrial Park 120 - Kirkendall West 120 - Lexington/Lincoln Village 121 - Kirkendall 122 - Bridgeport 122 - Durand North 123 - Kirkendall South 124 - Durand South 13 - Salisbury/Southgate 130 - North End East 131 - Keith North 132 - North End 133 - Keith 134 - Beasley North 14 - Central City East 14 - Kortright East 14 - Westview 140 - Beasley 141 - Lansdale 142 - Corktown 143 - Stinson 15 - Kortright West 150 - Mountview 151 - Westcliffe 152 - Buchanan 153 - Southam/Donnington 16 - Kortright Hills 160 - Fessenden 161 - Gilbert 162 - Rolston/Yeoville 163 - Gurnett 164 - Gilkson 165 - Gourley/Kernighan 166 - Falkirk East 167 - Sheldon/Mewburn 168 - Carpenter 169 - St. Elizabeth Village/Kennedy 17 - Clairfields/Hanlon Business Park 170 - Concession 171 - Centremount 172 - Inch Park 173 - Eastmount 174 - Raleigh 175 - Balfour 176 - Hill Park 177 - Burkhome 178 - Macassa 18 - Pineridge/Westminster Woods 180 - Greeningdon 181 - Bruleville 182 - Thorner 183 - Lawfield 184 - Jerome/Ryckman's Cors 185 - Crerar/Barnstown 186 - Rushdale/Butler 187 - Randall/Eleanor 188 - Allison 2 - Exhibition Park 2 North 20 - City Core/Wellington 200 - Gibson/Stipley 2001 - Paris Rd. 2003 - Northridge 2006 - Woodlawn 2007 - Mayfair 201 - Crown Point 2010 - Rosedale/Gable Height 2011 - Cedarland 2012 - Fairview/Greenbrier 2013 - Brier Park 2014 - Grand Woodlands 2015 - Edmonson 2018 - Brantwood Park 202 - Gibson/Stipley South 2020 - Lynden Hills 2021 - Lynden Park Mall 2028 - Northwest Industrial 2031 - Ewing 2032 - Ava Rd 2033 - Sky Acres 2034 - Queensway/Grove 2035 - Henderson 2036 - Abigail/Lyons 2037 - Lansdowne 2038 - Holmedale 2040 - North Park/Wood St. 2041 - Terrace Hill 2042 - North Ward 2043 - Downtown Core 2044 - Victoria/Arthur 2045 - East Ward 2049 - Braneida Industrial Park 205 - Church’s Lane 2050 - Echo Place 2052 - Cainsville/Brookfield 206 - Stamford 2060 - Oakhill Dr 2067 - Pleasant Ridge 2068 - Shellard Lane 2069 - Donegal/McGuiness 207 - Casey 2071 - Old West Brant 2072 - Hillcrest 2073 - Empire 2074 - Empire South 2075 - Beckett 2076 - Lion's Park 2077 - Tutela Heights 208 - Mt. Carmel 2084 - Icomm/Market 2085 - Eagle Place West 2086 - Eagle Place East 2087 - Greenwich 209 - Beaverdams 21 - Glenview, Lincoln, Oak 21 - Rural Puslinch West 21 - St. Marys 210 - Downtown 210 - North Sherman 2100 - Glen Morris 2101 - NW Rural 2105 - Fair Grounds 2106 - Green Lane Park 2107 - Victoria Park 211 - Cherrywood 211 - Crown Point North 2110 - St. George 2112 - NE Rural 2115 - Burford 2117 - Mt. Pleasant 2118 - Oakland 212 - Downtown Kitchener/East Ward 212 - Morrison 2120 - Scotland 2121 - SW Rural 2124 - Middleport/Onondaga 2125 - SE Rural 213 - Ascot 215 - Hospital 216 - Dorchester 217 - Arad/Fallsview 218 - West Wood 219 - Forestview 22 - Churchill Park/Moffatt Creek 22 - East of Sir John A. Blvd 22 - Rural Puslinch East 22 - Stratford 220 - Oldfield 220 - St. Clair/Blakeley 221 - Gage Park 221 - Marineland 222 - Brown 222 - Delta 223 - Chippawa 224 - Heritage Park/Rosemount 224 - Lyons Creek 226 - Stanley Park/Centreville 228 - Chicopee/Freeport 23 - Branchton Park 230 - Grand River North 230 - Parkview 231 - Homeside 232 - Idlewood/Lackner Woods 232 - Normanhurst 233 - McQuesten 24 - Alison Park/Eastview North 24 - Morriston 240 - Bartonville/Glenview 241 - Rosedale 250 - Sunninghill 251 - Sherwood 252 - Hampton Heights 253 - Huntington 260 - Berrisfield 261 - Lisgar 262 - Quinndale 263 - Trenholme 264 - Templemead 265 - Rymal/Hannon 266 - Broughton East 270 - Nashdale 271 - Lake Grayside 272 - Kentley 273 - Riverdale 280 - Greenford 281 - Red Hill 282 - Vincent 283 - Gershome 290 - Hamilton Beach 3 - General Hospital 30 - Elgin Park/Coronation 300 - Aldershot West 301 - Aldershot East 302 - Aldershot Central 303 - Aldershot South 31 - Elma Twp 31 - Northview 310 - Plains 311 - Downtown/Rockway/S. Ward 311 - Maple 312 - Central 313 - Downtown Kitchener/W. Ward 32 - Listowel 32 - Shades Mills 320 - Dynes 321 - Longmoor 322 - Pinedale 323 - Victoria Hills 325 - Forest Hill 327 - Black Creek 327 - Fairview/Kingsdale 328 - Stevensville 329 - Hidden Valley/Pioneer Tower 33 - Clemens Mills/Saginaw 33 - Wallace 330 - Roseland 331 - Alpine Village/Country Hills 331 - Shoreacres 332 - Central Ave 332 - Elizabeth Gardens 333 - Lakeshore 333 - Laurentian Hills/Country Hills W 334 - Crescent Park 334 - Huron Park 335 - Pioneer Park/Doon/Wyldwoods 335 - Point Abino 335 - Ridgeway 336 - Point Abino 336 - Trussler 337 - Crystal Beach 337 - Forest Heights 338 - Beechwood Forest/Highland W. 34 - Industrial Park/Eastview 340 - Tyandaga 341 - Brant Hills 342 - Mountainside 35 - East Gardiners Rd 350 - Headon Forest 351 - Millcroft 352 - Orchard 353 - Palmer 354 - Tansley 355 - Corporate 360 - Alton West 361 - Alton Central 37 - South of Taylor-Kidd Blvd 380 - North Burlington Rural 4 - St. George's 40 - Centennial 41 - Woodland Park/Cambrian Hills 410 - Governor’s Rd 411 - Coote’s Paradise 412 - Pleasant View/Hopkins 413 - Highland Park 414 - Pleasant Valley 415 - University Gardens 415 - Uptown Waterloo/Westmount 417 - Beechwood/University 42 - City Northwest 42 - Ellice Twp 42 - Hillcrest/Cooper/Townline Estates 42 - Rural Guelph/Eramosa East 420 - Sulphur Springs 421 - Lakeshore/Parkdale 421 - Oakhill/Clearview Ancaster Heights/Mohawk 422 - Ancaster Heights/Mohawk Meadows/Maywood 423 - Meadowlands 424 - Parkview Heights 425 - Dancaster/Nakoma/Maple Lane 426 - Harmony Hall 427 - Maple Lane Annex 428 - Southcote/Duff’s Cors 43 - Hillcrest/Forbes Park 43 - Millbank 43 - Rockwood 436 - Port Weller W. 437 - Lakeshore 438 - Port Dalhousie 439 - Westvale 44 - Blackbridge/Fisher Mills/Glenchristie/Hagey/Silver Heights 44 - Milverton 440 - Upper Beechwood/Beechwood W. 441 - Bunting/Linwell 441 - Erbsville/Laurelwood 442 - Lakeshore North 442 - Vine/Linwell 443 - Columbia Forest/Clair Hills 443 - Lakeport 444 - Carlton/Bunting 445 - Facer 446 - Fairview 447 - St. Catharines Downtown 45 - Briardean/River Flats/Beaverdale 45 - Frontenac Centre 45 - Mornington Twp 450 - E. Chester 451 - Downtown 452 - Glenridge 453 - Grapeview 455 - Rural S.W. 455 - Secord Woods 456 - Oakdale 457 - Old Glenridge 458 - Western Hill 460 - Burleigh Hill 460 - Waterdown West 461 - Glendale/Glenridge 461 - Waterdown East 462 - Rykert/Vansickle 47 - Shakespeare 5 - St. Patrick's Ward 5 West 50 - Langs Farm/Hilborn Park 500 - Heritage Green 501 - Valley Park 502 - Felker 503 - Trinity 504 - Leckie Park/Highland 51 - Langs Farm/Eagle Valley 510 - Community Beach/Fifty Point 511 - Eastdale/Poplar Park/Industrial 512 - Guernsey/Westmeria/Industrial 513 - Industrial 514 - Winona Industrial 515 - Battlefield 516 - Corman/South Meadow 517 - Highway Valley/Dewitt 518 - Fruitland 519 - Winona 52 - Preston North 53 - Fergus 53 - Frontenac North 53 - Preston South 530 - Rural Glanbrook 531 - Mount Hope Municipal 532 - Binbrook Municipal 54 - Elora/Salem 54 - Preston Heights 55 - Blair 550 - Elmira 551 - Heidelberg/St Clements 552 - Linwood/Crosshill 553 - St Jacobs/Floradale/W.Montrose 554 - Breslau/Bloomingdale/Maryhill 555 - Wellesley/Bamberg/Kingwood 556 - Allanburg/Thorold South 557 - Thorold Downtown 558 - Confederation Heights 56 - Maple Grove, Riverbank, Royal Oak 560 - Rolling Meadows 561 - Port Robinson 562 - Hurricane/Merrittville 57 - Bath 58 - Greater Napanee 6 - Dovercliffe Park/Old University 60 - Ayr 60 - Rural Mapleton 600 - Canboro 601 - Moulton 602 - Dunn 603 - Sherbrooke 61 - Reidsville/Riverview/Shep’s Sub-division/Wrigley 62 - Addington Highlands 62 - Brown’s Subdivision/Orr’s Lake/Roseville 62 - Hibbert Twp 620 - Cayuga 621 - North Cayuga 622 - South Cayuga 63 - Stone Mills 630 - Caledonia North West 631 - Caledonia North East 632 - Caledonia South West 633 - Caledonia South East 65 - Town of Mitchell 660 - New Hamburg 661 - Baden/Phillipsburg/St. Agatha 662 - Fonthill 663 - North Pelham 664 - Fenwick 665 - New Dundee/Mannheim/Wilmot Ctr 666 - Foxboro 7 - Onward Willow 70 - Branchton/Littles Corners/Maple Manor Subdivision/Ranchlands 71 - Arthur 71 - Clarkson/Clyde 72 - Crieff/Aikensville/Killean 72 - Mount Forest 73 - Puslinch Lake Settlement Areas 765 - Cooks Mills 766 - Hwy 406/Welland 767 - N. Welland 768 - Welland Downtown 769 - Prince Charles 770 - West Welland 771 - Coyle Creek 772 - Broadway 773 - Lincoln/Crowland 774 - Dain City 8 - Willow West/Sugarbush/West Acres 873 - Bethel 874 - Sherkston 875 - Killaly East 876 - Nanticoke 877 - Main Street 878 - Peacock Point 878 - Sugarloaf 879 - Marshville/Winger 880 - Lakeshore 883 - Selkirk 896 - Jarvis 9 - Riverside Park 903 - Townsend Comm. 919 - Rural Walpole 980 - Lincoln-Jordan/Vineland 981 - Lincoln Lake 982 - Beamsville 983 - Escarpment Ajax Amaranth Ameliasburg Ward Amherstburg Archipelago Arran Elderslie Asphodel Township AT01 - Rural Adjala-Tosorontio AT03 - Everett AT04 - Glencairn AT06 - Lisle Athol Ward Aylmer BA01 - East BA02 - North BA03 - City Centre BA04 - Sunnidale BA05 - West BA06 - Lakeshore BA07 - Ardagh BA08 - Allandale BA09 - Painswick BA10 - Innishore BA11 - Holly BA12 - South Bangor Ward Baxter Bayfield Beachville Belleville Ward Belmont-Methuen Bethune Bexley (Twp) Bills Corners Blenheim Blind River Blue Mountains Bluevale Blyth Bobcaygeon (Town) Bonfield Booth's Harbour Boston Bracebridge Brampton East BRBE - Bram East BRBN - Brampton North BRBS - Brampton South BRBW - Bram West BRCP - Central Park BRCV - Credit Valley BREI - Brampton East Industrial BRFM - Fletcher's Meadow BRFS - Fletcher's Creek South BRFW - Fletcher's West BRHL - Heart Lake BRHW - Heart Lake West Bright Brighton (Twp) BRMD - Madoc BRNW - Northwest Brampton Brock Brockton Brooke Alvinston BRQS - Queen Street Corridor BRSG - Snelgrove BRSO - Southgate BRSW - Sandringham-Wellington BRTG - Toronto Gore Rural Estate Brunel Brussels BW64 - Bond Head BW65 - Bradford BW66 - Rural Bradford West Gwillimbury CABE - Bolton East CACE - Caledon East Callander Calvin Campbellford CAPG - Palgrave Caradoc CARC - Rural Caledon Carden (Twp) Cardwell Carling Cavan Twp Central Central Manitoulin Chaffey Charlton and Dack Chatsworth CL11 - Rural Clearview CL12 - Stayner CL13 - New Lowell CL14 - Creemore CL16 - Buckingham Woods CL18 - Nottawa Clear Creek Clinton Colborne Commanda Lake/Lake Restoule Cornwall Courtland CW01-Collingwood Dalton (Twp) Dawn Euphemia Delhi Delmer Dorchester Draper Drumbo Dunchurch East B East F East G East Gwillimbury East I East J East K East L East M East O East Ward Eldon (Twp) Embro Emily (Twp) Emsdale Ennismore Township Erin ES09 - Rural Essa ES10 - Angus ES40 - Baxter ES41 - Thornton ES42 - Utopia Essex Exeter Faraday Fenelon (Twp) Fenelon Falls (Town) Ferris Franklin French River Georgian Bay Georgian Bluffs Georgina Glamorgan Goderich Town Goderich Twp Gore Bay Grand Bend Grand Valley Gravenhurst Greater Sudbury Grey Highlands Grey Twp Grimsby Beach (540) Grimsby East (542) Grimsby Escarpment (055) Grimsby West (541) Hagersville Hanover Hastings Village Hay Twp Herschel Ward Hillier Ward Howick Twp Huntingdon Ward Huntsville Huron-Kinloss Ilderton IN20 - Sandy Cove Acres IN21 - Stroud IN22 - Rural Innisfil IN23 - Alcona IN31 - Belle Ewart IN32 - Churchill IN33 - Gilford IN34 - Lefroy IN35 - Big Bay Point IN75 - Cookstown Ingersoll - North Ingersoll - South Innerkip Iroquois Falls Joly Kelvin Kent Bridge Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards Kincardine King Kintore Lakefield Village Lakeshore Lakeview Lambton Shores Lanark Highlands Langton LaSalle Laurentian Hills Lavigne/North Monetville Leamington Limerick Lindsay (Town) Long Point Lucan Lynedoch Macaulay Machar Madawaska Valley Madoc Magnetawan Malton Manvers (Twp) Markham Markstay-Warren Mattawa McDougall McGarry McKellar McLean MD01 - East of King Street MD02 - West of King Street Meaford Medora Melancthon Merrickville-Wolford Millbrook Village Minden Minto Monck (Muskoka Lakes) Mono Morrison Mount Brydges Mowat Mulmur Muskoka North NE Newmarket Nipissing Normandale North Algona Wilberforce North E North F North G North Marysburgh Ward North N North of 401 to Cty Rd 9/29 North of Cty Rd 9/29 to South Shore of Rice Lake North of Dale Rd/Cty Rd 74 North P North R North S North Ward Northern Bruce Peninsula Norwich Town NT44 - Rural New Tecumseth NT45 - Alliston NT47 - Tottenham NW Oakley Omemee (Town) OR48 - Craighurst OR49 - Oro Station OR52 - Shanty Bay OR55 - Horseshoe Valley OR56 - Warminster OR58 - Moonstone OR59 - Sugarbush OR61 - Hawkestone OR62 - Rural Oro-Medonte OR64 - Guthrie OR65 - Edgar Orangeville Oshawa Ottawa Otterville Owen Sound Oxford Centre PE01 - East of Main Street PE02 - West of Main Street Pembroke Perry Petrolia Pickering Picton Ward Pine Grove Plattsville Port Burwell Port Dover Port Hope Port Rowan Port Stanley Princeton RA39 - Atherley RA40 - Rural Ramara RA43 - Lagoon City RA44 - Bayshore Village Renton Restoule Richmond Hill Ridout River Valley/Field Rural Bayham Rural Blandford-Blenheim Rural Charlotteville Rural Chatham Rural East Zorra-Tavistock Rural Houghton Rural Malahide Rural Middleton Rural N. Walsingham Rural Orford Rural Raleigh Rural S. Walsingham Rural South-West Oxford Rural Thames Centre Rural Townsend Rural Windham Rural Woodhouse Rural Zorra Sarnia Saugeen Shores SE SE53 - Rural Severn SE54 - Washago SE57 - Coldwater Seguin Shelburne Shrewsbury Smith Township Somerville (Twp) South A South Algonquin South B South Bruce South Bruce Peninsula South J South K South Monaghan Township South N South of 401 South of Dale Rd/Cty Rd 74 South P South Q South River South T South U South V South W South Ward South X South Y Southgate SP65 - Rural Springwater SP70 - Anten Mills SP71 - Minesing SP72 - Midhurst SP73 - Elmvale SP74 - Phelpston SP76 - Hillsdale SP77 - Snow Valley SP78 - Centre Vespra Spanish Springfield St. Clair St. Joseph St. Williams Stanhope Stephen Twp Stephenson Straffordville Sturgeon Falls/Cache Bay/Crystal Falls Sundridge SW TA76 - Rural Tay TA77 - Port Mcnicoll Tavistock TCAN - Annex TCBC - Bay Street Corridor TCBV - Bayview Village TCCP - Clanton Park TCCY - Church-Yonge Corridor TCFL - Flemingdon Park TCHC - Humewood-Cedarvale TCHV - Hillcrest Village TCKC - Kensington-Chinatown TCLP - Little Portugal TCMP - Moss Park TCMW - Mount Pleasant West TCNI - Niagara TCNJ - North St. James Town TCNW - Newtonbrook West TCRP - Regent Park TCW1 - Waterfront Communities C1 TCW8 - Waterfront Communities C8 TCWB - Westminster-Branson TCWE - Willowdale East TCWY - Wychwood TEAN - Agincourt North TEBC - Birchcliffe-Cliffside TEBE - Bendale TECB - Clairlea-Birchmount TEDP - Dorset Park Teeterville TEEY - East York TEGC - Greenwood-Coxwell TEGU - Guildwood Temiskaming Shores TENR - North Riverdale TESR - South Riverdale TETB - The Beaches Thamesford Thedford Thorndale Tilbury Tillsonburg Tiny Town of Simcoe Trenton Ward Tudor Ward Turkey Point Turnberry Twp TWAW - Alderwood TWBA - Brookhaven-Amesbury TWCI - Corso Italia-Davenport TWDW - Dovercourt-Wallace Emerson-Junction TWEC - Eringate-Centennial-West Deane Tweed (Village) TWEH - Edenbridge-Humber Valley TWEM - Etobicoke West Mall TWGJ - Glenfield-Jane Heights TWH5 - Humberlea-Pelmo Park W5 TWHB - Humbermede TWHN - High Park North TWHP - High Park-Swansea TWIC - Islington-City Centre West TWJA - Junction Area TWLB - Long Branch TWMC - Mimico TWMO - Mount Olive-Silverstone-Jamestown TWNT - New Toronto TWRB - Runnymede-Bloor West Village TWRC - Rockcliffe-Smythe TWRV - Roncesvalles TWSQ - Stonegate-Queensway TWWH - West Humber-Clairville TWWM - Willowridge-Martingrove-Richview TWWP - Weston-Pellam Park TWWT - Weston Vanastra Vanessa Vaughan Verulam (Twp) Victoria Harbour Vienna Vittoria Wallaceburg Wallacetown Wardsville Warwick Waterford Watt Wawa WB01 - Wasaga Beach West End West Grey West Ward Westridge Whitby Widdifield Wilsonville Windham Centre Windsor Wingham Wollaston Woodstock - North Woodstock - South Woodville (Town) Wyecombe zz-9999 - Out of Area zz-Loyalist zz-Norwich
All Waterfronts Green Lake Lake Erie Lake Huron Little Grassy River Manitowaning Bay Nanticoke creek pond RAINY RIVER Ramsey Lake Red Lake Snib Lake Spanish River WALKERS LAKE
All Provinces Ontario
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